Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was spotted with Bernie Sanders and his campaign manager Faiz Shakir in Burlington, Vermont today. It’s unclear what the two discussed, though it could be related their respective plans to decommodify housing, a 2020 endorsement, or some other policy goal.
An image of the three was posted to Twitter by a user named Vert DuFerk.
As most of you know, I've been in #Bernie2020's corner since I moved to VT in 2001. I'm in WA now, but I still have friends in VT. One of them just posted these pics, taken at a cafe in Burlington this morning.
You can disagree w/ me that @AOC will endorse him, but… 🔥❤️🥰 pic.twitter.com/EJDfigZnoi
— Vert DuFerk 🌹🔥✌️😁❤️🇺🇸 (@VertDuFerk) September 28, 2019
CNN correspondent Ryan Nobles confirmed with Ocasio-Cortez’s team that the three met.
INTERESTING meeting today in Burlington, VT:@BernieSanders sat down with @AOC.
The two were spotted at a diner in town and AOC’s team confirms they met.No word on what they discussed….
— Ryan Nobles (@ryanobles) September 29, 2019
This isn’t the first time Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders have had high-profile meeting. The two met earlier in 2019 to announce their plan to cap credit card interest rates at 15%. The two also worked together to pressure Congress to declare climate change a national emergency.
Ocasio-Cortez met with Warren in 2019, which prompted The Daily Wire falsely declare the Ocasio-Cortez was endorsing Warren. Ocasio-Cortez has also teamed up with Kamala Harris as the two released a climate equity plan.
Do you think AOC will endorse Bernie Sanders? Leave a comment below!
If AOC didn’t endorse Bernie, the person who opened the door for progressives like her to run, it would be worse than what Warren did in 2016. And if she actually endorsed Warren, it would be political suicide. But, I believe AOC has integrity and is committed to Bernie’s agenda so I believe she will endorse him. I would be shocked if she didn’t.
“It’s in the bag.”
Why would she meet with Warren or even Harris – neither of them has any intention of supporting Medicare For All
She will endorse WARREN !!!!!
That would be political suicide for her. Her base would lose it.
Yes she will endorse Bernie Sanders! Both are TRUE PROGRESSIVES. Just say no to all corporate owned POLITICIANS!
I certainly hope AOC endorses Bernie. I mean, why not?! He’s the best candidate who shares the most Progressive ideas. Just do it, already!
I love AOC and I love Bernie! I can’t imagine her endorsing anyone else, but she is learning a lot from Bernie so she’s going to be an amazing politician forever.
It wouldn’t make sense for her to endorse anyone else. Hope she does.
People like AOC and Greta is what this nation needs.Not those who milk it and bleed us dry. I strongly believe that AOC will endorse Bernie. Pelosi needs to step up and where are the TAX returns? We are still waiting. If no one is above the law how does he continue to get away with it? We deserve answers.
Of course she will endorse Sanders
Dear God, if you exist, please let it be true that AOC endorses Bernie. I was wrong. Sincerely, me.
Please AOC!!!!! Make Berners everywhere so happy!we love you!
I’ve been burnt by politicians so many times, I just don’t know. If she doesn’t it puts her previous words and actions in a new light.
She must endorse Bernie Sanders early in the primary. Anything else– waiting until the convention, endorsing someone else, especially Warren– would enrage her base. It would be an enormous unforced error. Especially considering all the legislation they’ve worked on together. Don’t forget, Bernie campaigned for her, in their shared home town.
Great article! Did you hear that AOC just endorsed Bernie Sanders as the Democratic presidential candidate. I really didn’t think Bernie would keep campaigning after his heart attack. Wild times we live in.