On Wednesday September 4, CNN held a seven hour climate town hall marathon. The event included ten individual town hall sessions with Democratic Party primary candidates.
The event included Julián Castro, Andrew Yang, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Beto O’Rourke, and Cory Booker.
The polls are closed! Andrew Yang is the clear winner with more than 65% of the 14,164 votes. Here’s the analysis.
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Bernie was concise, straight forward, detailed and exceedingly well versed with solid rationales for HIS position. Whereas Biden lied to the guy who asked about fundraiser w/ LNG magnate tomorrow… Ck the tape! Biden full of BS! In D.C. 40 years and WHAT has Joe Accomplished??? Warren had to be bailed out by Chris Cuomo on the mountain top coal mining law. Who is worse? Cuomo for “ADVISING” Liz or Liz for her xerox of everything Bernie! Jackrabbiting across the stage like a 10 y/o! SOLID WIN for Bernie2020
Andrew Yang won that debate, hands down! Everyone else seemed to just surf on empty rhetoric, regurgitate the issues on hand, bring up Trump, or dance around the questions. Our country will definately need Yang’s knowledge on climate change, his innovative plans, and forward-thinking solutions. He sees the big picture, and that is important.
Yang sees the issues of this great country from a birds eyeview as Anderson Cooper had said. You can definitely sees further from an elevated view. Go #YangGang.
It wasn’t a debate
Why no thoughts on Andrew Yang? He crushed it! 🙂
None if these donkeys won anything. They are all losers and are brain dead. How can any red blood American vote for any of these flakes. They are welfare mined politicians who would do absolutely nothing
Thorium nuclear power plant! Smart, bold, responsible, and forward thinking. Andrew Yang2020!
Hey Joe, do you pay taxes that support our infrastructure? Why? So that you can have the supreme priveledge of working a job you probably don’t love so that you can live and support yourself? Does Amazon and other large companies pay taxes? 0% last year and an average of 3% over there lifespan. Universal basic income is not the same as the current welfare state that makes people incapable of getting back to work. It is a return on your investment into the infrastructure, that Amazon also makes their money off of but pays almost no taxes for, this great nation. It is truly different and I hope you see it that way. Andrew Yang 2020
At least they reconize that there’s a problem where that moron in the white house denies it.
Yang = Bad ass
He won.
Andrew Yang 2020!
Andrew Yang! #HumanityFirst
Yang just owned it in every way possible. Everyone of these career politicians is taking the same yakittyyakk
Yang was best… when Bernie calls Trump an idiot he calls his supporters idiots we need to stop deciding the country it won’t help ANYONE enough od the name calling, you should try to reach republicans not put them down.
Climate change is the biggest hoax of 21st century!! Man cannot change the Climate…ever! Man can clean the air, rivers oceans and streams. Not one solution presented by our Socialist friends can change the Climate!! We all know that! Just like gun control , confiscation of all guns is the only way to have an effect! Liberals dont care about results only if it FEELS GOID!
Yang was Badass. #Yang2020 #YangGang Badass too!
Yang was absolutely stellar. Looking to see more from him.
Yang was concise, straight forward, detailed and exceedingly well versed with solid rationales for HIS position. Whereas Sanders lied and gave typical BS answers… Ck the tape! BS full of BS! In D.C. 40 years and WHAT has BS Accomplished??? Warren had to be bailed out by Chris Cuomo on the mountain top coal mining law. Who is worse? Cuomo for “ADVISING” Liz or Liz for her xerox of everything BS! Jackrabbiting across the stage like a 10 y/o! SOLID WIN for Yang2020
I like Yang a lot too, but damn Jane.
As a Yang supporter, there is no need to be bashing other candidates like this.
This poll is pretty much right. Yang and Bernie had the best performances.
Andrew Yang gave an amazing display of knowledge and research. Warren and Beto also had decent discussions.
Bernie Sanders nailed it solid. Biden lied and he gets F for Climate Control.
Andrew talked less about taking things away from Americans and more about solving the problems with realistic solutions. It’s not a you problem, it’s an us problem.
Yang’s data and insentive driven approach is exactly what this country needs to fight climate change.
Andrew Yang really supersized me on in the best way possible in this one. I had not heard much about him before the climate debate but I was pleased with how directly he answered the questions. He did not attack other candidates but instead attacked the climate issue head on. An all options attack plan (less than .1% on fringe research, focusing mostly on mobilizing all available options first) seems like the right move. He is pragmatic enough to suggest next gen nuclear (thorium based reactors were developed for energy production where our current gen nuclear was a spin off from bomb production tech) for the near term and data driven enough to know that investing small amounts in ‘star shots’ is logical. I will be following him closely from now on.
Before you know it you’ll be like the rest of us YangGang. Yang is too Badass to ignore.
Andrew Yang really supersized me on in the best way possible in this one. I had not heard much about him before the climate debate but I was pleased with how directly he answered the questions. He did not attack other candidates but instead attacked the climate issue head on. An all options attack plan (less than .1% on fringe research, focusing mostly on mobilizing all available options first) seems like the right move. He is pragmatic enough to suggest next gen nuclear (thorium based reactors were developed for energy production where our current gen nuclear was a spin off from bomb production tech) for the near term and data driven enough to know that investing small amounts in ‘moonshots’ is logical when faced with a crisis. I will be following him closely from now on.
Welcome to the Yang gang!
Andrew yang answered questions with precision yang2020.com
Bernie Sanders won and is winning! Practical and realistic!
Bernie triumphant …wow. Detailed, clear, honest, articulate ..Bernie2020!
Biden awful on Climate
He seems to be a driven star in the same light as Hillary Clinton
If Biden wins it’ll be the same result as HC
Have to appreciate Yang
Clear Concise Thoughtful
He Makes Sense
Bernie was Great! But Yang had more 21st century ideas and went out on a limb with nuclear using Thorium based reactors. Yang also had 65% of the votes totaling over 9200 votes Bernie came in second with over 4000 votes. Both Yang & Bernie had over 94% of the votes addressing their knowledge on a very critical subject.
Yang clearly won because he has the right vision for americas future Climate Change policies. If you decided on Bernie I’m inclined to believe that you did not see Yangs responses.
Definitely Yang
Wish that I, one of the poors, was allowed to watch it. Evidently you must pay money to participate in democracy as there wasn’t a single free option for viewing this event. Kinda odd considering the impoverished are most severely impacted by climate change. Guess I’ll just have to do the uninformed voter move and flip a coin and vote a straight party line.
Not usually in the Klobuchar camp, but I think she deserves lots more credit here. I think Warren was terrific as usual, but it is pretty clear that in this one, Yang seem like the one for this job. Just shocking.Exceptional. Wow.
Andrew Yang addressed not only the science, but also the economic side. As a former successful businessman, he understands how to get industries to address these issues. He is the only one coming up with realistic solutions.
Andrew Yang is the only candidate with the technocratic literacy to make solving climate change a lucrative industry. His ideas are decades ahead, and we need that kind of forward thinking if we are going to preserve our planet in time.
Yang CRUSHED it. All these other candidates are LIGHT YEARS behind! #Yang2020
Three identified Warren supporters asked questions of other candidiates. No questions were asked by identified supporters of any other candidate. CNN is shameless in the manipulation.
I did not see Yang’s segment, but thought that Bernie was excellent. Warren seemed to be doing a Beto impression.
Please watch Yangs segment on Climate Change. Everyone needs to see who we all as a nation should be supporting. Yes, I love Bernie. But you know what? Yang loves Bernie too. The entire democratic nominees will all agree on the issues but when it comes to identifying and solutionizing Climate Change issues only Bernie & Yang come out on top in a very BIG way. But if you can just watch 3 minutes of Yangs Climate Change position I think you will be able to confirm that you like Bernie or that Yang has a very interesting stance on all of the issues. Enough for us to vote him into the White House.
Yang won hands down! Bernie may have been a distant second – his BS bothers me. Bernie’s lack of full support
and full agreement with the Civil Rights of women and their family members, especially Blacks and Hispanics, means I will not and cannot vote for him.
What? Now you’re just lying about Bernie. I’d like to see you prove it.
I’ve never heard of this Yang guy, but I’m going to look into him now. Seems like the only one with a plan that is realistic!
Wow, this town hall was fantastic! I really feel the strongest showing was from Yang. After watching the town hall I also read through most candidates plans on there websites, after reading through Andrew’s it really backs that decision up fully. Not to mention he has some really brilliant ideas concerning other legislation! Guess its #YangGang2020
Yang 2020!
I agree, Andrew Yang was superb.
andrew yang was the only one who had real answers with reasonable solutions.
Yang gang 2020
This is why DNC refused to have a debate amongst these candidates. Having a climate debate would’ve revealed that DNC’s “golden boy” Biden would’ve have done poorly, causing him the polls. Yang and Bernie great job. Yang, it take courage, intelligence, and humanity to come up with such proposal. This is something that is hard to find in typical career politicians. Thank goodness, you are not a politician. #yang2020
Andrew Yang won, hands-down. Why did he win? Because he’s the only candidate with a plan that addresses the problem on all fronts, and could theoretically be enacted TODAY. He acknowledges that the problem isn’t just single-use items used by the average consumer: the problem is global-scale destruction caused by corporations whose sole priority is increasing their profits at any and all costs (and the single-use plastic items they package their goods in / sell to us don’t help). I love that he acknowledges the severity of our current situation, but most importantly, I love that he has well-thought-out solutions to begin addressing the situation ASAP.
Thorium ftw Yang 2020
Yang just owned it in every way possible. Everyone of these career politicians is taking the same yakittyyakk
I have been a Yang supporter for a while now and every time I hear him speak I am reminded why I began supporting him in the first place. I appreciate his clear, focused answers about how to bring us forward into the future that is upon us. I want to feel like I am leaving the world a better place for my children and their children. The plans Yang has to fight climate destruction, and many other issues are exactly what we need. He came by his plans using knowledge based on how the world is evolving. I hope he can land the DNC nomination. I will continue to support him. He is the best candidate for the future. #Yang2020
Yang all the way!!!!
For “not a politician” Andrew Yang sure knows his stuff!! Very impressed with him
No such thing as man made climate change so no way fix it just the planet doing what the planet does. So no reason to listen to cnn or any of these brainless candidates
China is experiencing Climate Change in epic proportions due to their industrial rise. The world will experience the same as UV rays poke a huge hole in the sky. Get your oxygen tanks out & get ready to support research on skin cancer in the form of higher taxes as a result as our fair skins turn muddy brown.
Where, exactly, was this poll taken? Looks more like a Yang campaign internal poll.
Bernie won, hands down. Yang is pushing to expand nuclear. I thought he was a smart guy. Nuclear has been discredited. It’s dangerous and expensive and the industry and government cover up these facts. Plus I’ve heard Yang is for VAT which is a regressive tax..
I get that you love Bernie. Did you know that Andrew Yang loves Bernie? Both candidates platforms are quite similar but differ in their solutions. We should give the younger, very knowledgeable and solutions oriented guy a chance and that would be Yang. Please keep Yang on your radar you won’t regret it.
Yang did remarkably well. I really like this guy. I was ready to have nothing to do with the 2020 election, but he’s an incredible thinker who seems to not have any ego. He has the bi-partisan touch that’s needed to beat Trump.
What I appreciated about Andrew Yang’s approach is that he was both realistic, and optimistic – even humorous – at the same time. While not mincing words about what trouble we’re in as a planet, he offered practical, empirically supported options for taking action that did not overstate the US’s contribution to the present problem, but acknowledged the opportunity for a reinstatement of US global leadership at a time when our reputation is, frankly, waning. I really could not have been more impressed.
Yea, its so obvious Yang won the debate
We were all winners. Nothing is more entertaining than the Democratic party clown show. If one of these wackos get elected though we’ll all be losers.
They’re all a bunch of braindead lunatics trying to keep the “global warming”, now known as “climate change” SCAM alive. This is a HUGE money machine that turns corrupt politicians into multi millionaires…and the sheeple follow…DOG LEADS YOU.
#yang2020 #andrewyang2020 #yanggang won the debate
Lmaooo after reading every single comment, it’s clear that it’s filled with yang bots with the obvious copy/paste messages….
Did you see the Climate Change town hall? I think not!
Democrats need to wake up yang is the only one who can beat Trump